
Can Constipation Cause Lower Back Pain?

Can Constipation Cause Lower Back Pain?
Can Constipation Cause Lower Back Pain?. Many people have experienced the discomfort of constipation in their lifetime, which can feel like not being able to relieve the bowels as easily as normal. Not many people realise there is such a strong connection between constipation and low back pain, but it’s more common than people might realise.  It can be helpful for patients to learn about how constipation can lead to lower back pain and the ways physical therapists can help treat i...
Posted on 2023-11-21

Lower Back Pain When Walking

Lower Back Pain When Walking
While lower back pain can manifest in various situations, one of the most prevalent and discomforting scenarios is experiencing lower back pain while walking. Walking is part of everyday life for most people, so when this seemingly innocuous act becomes painful, it can have a profound impact on function and movement.. It can begin to affect everyday activities, work, and even socialising, which can have flow on effects to quality of life. Keep reading to delve into the types, causes, and symp...
Posted on 2023-09-20

Sharp Stabbing Pain In Lower Left Side Of The Back

Sharp Stabbing Pain In Lower Left Side Of The Back
The human back is a complex structure composed of muscles, bones, nerves, and organs, and it's not uncommon for people to experience discomfort or pain in this region from time to time. One specific type of back pain that can be particularly distressing for patients is the sharp stabbing pain in the lower left side of the back.  If you've ever felt a sudden, intense jolt of pain in this area, you're not alone. Keep reading to explore the various causes, symptoms, diagnostic process, and ...
Posted on 2023-08-20

Getting Ready for Gardening

Getting Ready for Gardening
Getting Ready for Gardening . For many people, gardening is a pleasurable activity that reaps beautiful blossoms and sometimes a bountiful harvest of fruits and vegetables. Individuals can enjoy gardening for hours as long as they take safety precautions and pay close attention to using good posture. Here are a few tips to help you get ready for gardening. First, it is important to wear good gardening gloves as they provide protection from sharp gardening tools, bacteria, fertilizers, or ...
Posted on 2023-05-23

Hot or Cold - What is BEST for YOU?

Hot or Cold - What is BEST for YOU?
Applying heat or ice to an injury is the easiest way to treat pain and swelling. But which is better? Here are some guidelines. When to use ice?. Use ice for the following situations; It’s a NEW injury It makes sense to apply ice to a new injury for up to about three days. After this, most injuries will have passed through the initial inflammatory stage. Inflammation is present Use ice to treat inflamed tissue. Ice helps to reduce the pain of inflammation and reduces swelling. Infl...
Posted on 2023-03-27
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