Chronic Pain

Physiotherapy for Chronic Pain in Orleans, ON

Physiotherapy for Chronic Pain in Orleans, ON

Chronic pain describes pain that has lasted past the usual time frame for recovery. Chronic pain may be associated with illness, disease, injury, or post-MVA. It may be felt as headaches, joint pain or muscle pain and can be either constant or intermittent. There may be no known cause of a person’s chronic pain. Chronic pain often affects your ability to work, socialize, participate in recreational activities, or perform daily household tasks.

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Why Seek Chronic Pain Relief in Orleans, ON?

Chronic pain has many root causes and contributing factors. Many patients have more than one reason they seek chronic pain relief.

  • Injury or Trauma – An initial injury from an accident, such as a car accident or fall, may be the cause of the acute pain that ends up as a chronic condition. Repetitive stress injuries from overuse can also develop into a chronic pain condition. Chronic pain physiotherapy can help break the cycle. 
  • Disease or Illness – Some medical conditions, like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and fibromyalgia, can cause chronic pain. The pain is a symptom of the illness itself and may worsen with the progression of the disease. Physiotherapy for chronic pain can help reduce pain and may slow disease progression in many cases.
  • Neurological Conditions – Conditions like multiple sclerosis (MS), spinal cord injuries, nerve damage, traumatic brain injuries (TBI), and Persistent Post Concussion Syndrome (PPCS) can lead to chronic pain. Chronic pain physiotherapy can help relieve pain and increase function. 
  • Post-surgical Pain – Pain that persists after surgery can become chronic, especially if there is nerve damage during the procedure. Physiotherapy for chronic pain can support post-surgical healing, reduce pain and inflammation, and improve outcomes. 
  • Emotional and Psychological Factors – Stress, depression, and anxiety may contribute to chronic pain. Many times, the pain itself causes worry, creating a negative cycle that affects the way the brain processes the pain signals. Physiotherapy for chronic pain can interrupt the cycle, reducing worry and boosting mood. 
  • Genetic Factors – Some family members may be more likely to suffer from chronic pain due to their genetic makeup.

The cause of chronic pain may not be clear, even when an initiating event, like surgery or injury, can be determined. Often, several factors combine to contribute to the persistent nature of chronic pain. 

That’s why it is so important to have a comprehensive assessment of your condition by a physiotherapist at Orleans Physiotherapy in Orleans, ON.


It is possible that any injury could result in chronic pain, so physiotherapists often see chronic pain conditions. Most commonly, patients present with lower back and hip pain, knee arthritis, sciatica, orthopedic surgery recovery, pelvic pain, and fibromyalgia. 

Not every chronic pain condition starts out as an acute injury, but many do. Sometimes the acute injury did not receive treatment in the beginning, so it cascaded into constant pain. But that isn’t always the case.

Chronic pain is simply pain that persists beyond the average healing time for the injury, which is usually considered to be over 12 weeks. The pain even continues sometimes despite appropriate medications and treatments. Usually, you can get back to normal after an injury or operation within a few weeks. But sometimes, patients find the pain continues on. In some cases, there is no specific history of an operation or injury, yet, once it begins, the pain continues. 

Fortunately, the pain and function tend to improve immediately with physiotherapy treatments, and patients find the improvements also last in the longer term. Overall, physiotherapy also reduces the need for prescription pain medications.


Physiotherapy in Orleans & Ottawa can help chronic pain through a variety of techniques such as acupuncture, manual therapy, modalities, and exercise. The most crucial area is the education component of physiotherapy. A physiotherapist can help you to understand pain, how you can take control of your pain, teach you coping mechanisms, how to improve sleeping patterns, and modify your work habits. 

In the treatment of chronic pain, you work closely with your physiotherapist in Orleans to design the appropriate treatment plan to most effectively restore your function and quality of life.


At Orleans Physiotherapy, we have many options for chronic pain treatment. Auricular therapy has proven to be an effective way of treating chronic pain. This form of treatment involves applying acupuncture needles to the ear. For people averse to needles, these points can also be stimulated with a light laser to deliver excellent results as well.

When your body has acute pain, that is a normal response after an injury or due to an illness. Acute pain is usually short-term, resolving in a few weeks or months. Acute pain tells your system that something is wrong so we know when to seek medical assistance. 

Chronic pain, on the other hand, persists over a long time and may last for months or for some people, chronic pain may last for years. The chronic pain can be a result of an underlying condition, such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, or nerve damage. No matter the reason, chronic pain has a significant impact on quality of life.


Physical therapists identify, diagnose, and treat movement problems. The cause of movement problems is often pain. Chronic pain patients cope with pain that restricts movement and limits activity. Over time, as pain persists, stiffness sets in, making it more and more difficult to perform the activities of daily living (ADL). 

So, physical therapy goes beyond treating your symptoms to addressing the root causes of pain or movement limitations for sustained, long-term relief. 

For example, poor posture often contributes to back pain, but posture problems begin with weak core muscles. And chronic pain relief for knee pain may be eased with greater flexibility and stronger muscles around the joint.

Many patients receive a combination of physical therapy treatments for chronic pain relief. Your physical therapist may use these therapies to give you chronic pain relief. 

  • Physical manipulation of the area
  • Hands-on treatment to help problem areas heal
  • Ultrasound therapy
  • Dry needling
  • Therapeutic exercise programs

Chronic pain is complex, so the physical therapists at Orleans Physiotherapy in Orleans, ON, empower patients to help to get back to normal routines and improve their quality of life. 


At your first appointment for chronic pain treatment at our Orleans physiotherapy clinic, we take a detailed history and perform an assessment before creating a treatment plan. Our chronic pain clinic serving Orleans and Ottawa can help you live a higher quality of life by finding treatment that fits your needs. 

Our physical therapists will develop a customized recovery Chronic Pain Rehabilitation Program for your short-term relief and long-term improvement. 

Contact us today at Orleans Physiotherapy in Orleans, ON, when you need chronic pain relief. Make an appointment today.

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Chronic Pain Relief FAQs

What is chronic pain?

Chronic pain is caused by several contributing factors, but scientific research has yet to determine the exact mechanisms. After an injury or illness, the nerves send out pain signals to the brain, so the brain registers the pain as part of the natural reaction. Yet, after the initial injury heals, usually after 6 to 12 weeks, the chronic pain signals continue on for weeks, months, or even years without the initial cause of the pain. Chronic pain might develop after any injury or illness.

Can physiotherapy help with chronic pain?

Physiotherapy begins with a determination of why specific areas of the body are weaker or stiffer than they should be, and then the treatments are targeted to address the sources of the chronic pain. Manual hands-on therapy and a combination of physiotherapy techniques improve function with more strength, flexibility, and range of motion. Tailored therapeutic exercise plans reduce stress in critical areas to relieve pain and increase mobility which improves the ability to function with everyday activities.

What is the new approach to chronic pain?

Chronic pain is now addressed using a combination of therapies. Most patients respond best to combining pain medicines, psychological therapies, relaxation, meditation, and physiotherapy sessions with hands-on manual therapy, heat or cold packs, TENS, and ultrasound. Chronic pain rehab programs help you return to the level of function and independence you had before by improving your quality of life in all areas.