Introduction to Football

» Introduction to Football
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Physiotherapy in Orleans for Football

Welcome to Orleans Physiotherapy's resource about football.

There is no denying that life on the gridiron can be a grind.  Football is a tough sport and the sheer toll it takes on the body of players makes it easy to see why the professional only plays once a week.

Regardless of the level you are at, if you are playing in high school, college, the NFL or in the parking lot while you are tailgating, it is important to understand that you can get hurt, regardless of the padding, equipment and support the sport requires.  Therefore, you have to be safe, conditioned and know the exercises used to prevent injury.

This area of the site will educate you in the ways to stay healthy while you play Football.  We want to make sure you have the resources to stay at the top of your game.

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Orleans Physiotherapy provides services for physiotherapy in Orleans.

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