» Therapeutic Taping
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Therapeutic Taping Orleans, ON

Therapeutic Taping Orleans, ON

Therapeutic taping supports almost the entire spectrum of physiotherapy treatments and can provide relief for back problems, muscle tension, joint instabilities or disc problems.

Therapeutic taping is based on two main effects. The first effect is the stimulation of skin receptors which is associated with a reduction in pain. It specifically influences the complex interaction between muscle tension, joints, ligaments and nerves. The second effect occurs when the elastic tape and the special application technique raise the skin and the tissues. This creates more space in the damaged tissues. Lymph fluid can flow more easily, blood circulation improves, and the pain receptors are relieved. The improvement in blood circulation alone stimulates the healing process.

What is Kinesiology Taping?

There are many brands of kinesiology tape available today, but the original product and process were developed more than 40 years ago by a Japanese chiropractor, Dr. Kenzo Kase. Dr. Kase wanted to provide support for patients and athletes but free up their movement during treatment. Traditional tapes limited movement, making therapeutic exercise and sports difficult. 

You’ve probably seen colorful strips stuck to athletes’ bodies as they participate in competitions. The strips make a wide variety of patterns on knees, shoulders, backs, and abs. That kinesiology tape is applied strategically to areas that require support, like less pain, reduced swelling, and improved performance.

But Therapeutic Taping at Orleans Physiotherapy in Orleans, ON, is used for more than improving athletic performance. Many injury recovery plans and illness treatment regimes include the additional support of K-Taping.

Therapeutic taping supports almost all types of physiotherapy treatments, providing relief for muscle tension, back problems, joint instabilities, disc problems and more. Repetitive use injuries may also benefit from Therapeutic Taping.

How does K-Taping work in Orleans, ON?

The first thing you’ll notice is that K-tape is really, really stretchy. It is specifically designed to not limit your range of motion and flexibility while still providing support. 

Kinesio tape mimics your skin’s elasticity to preserve your full range of motion. The medical-grade adhesive is strong and water-resistant, so it stays on for 3 to 5 days during your everyday activities, including workouts and showers.

As your physiotherapist at Orleans Physiotherapy in Orleans, ON applies the tape to your body, the tape recoils slightly, which gently lifts your skin. This seems to help create microscopic space in between the skin and the tissues underneath.

For some patients with knee problems, applying kinesiology tape over the knee could increase the space within the knee joint. Kinesiology tape also seems to increase the space within shoulder joints. This very slight increase in space seems to help reduce the risks of joint irritation.

K-taping creates a skin lift that takes the pressure off of underlying tissues. This tissue decompression can sometimes change pain signals going to the brain. As the brain perceives a signal differently, the response changes, often with reduced pain. 

After an injury, Therapeutic Taping may help improve circulation and reduce swelling in the injured area.

Kinesio Taping also appears to improve the circulation of lymphatic fluids to regulate swelling and fluid buildup.

Why Your Physiotherapist at Orleans Physiotherapy in Orleans, ON, May Add Therapeutic Taping to Your Treatment Plan

There are many reasons why your Physiotherapist at Orleans Physiotherapy in Orleans, ON, may add Therapeutic Taping to your Treatment Plan. Here are a few. Of course, if you have any questions, ask your physiotherapist.

Injury Recovery

Your physiotherapist may use k-taping as part of your treatment plan after an injury. Kinesiology taping mitigates pain and swelling as an adjunct to other treatment modalities. 

Supporting Weak Areas

If you need extra support for muscles or joints, your physiotherapist may recommend kinesiology taping. Unlike medical or athletic tape, kinesio tape allows you free movement and may even enhance movement and endurance. Athletes suggest that kinesio tape improves performance when applied to fatigued muscles.

Re-training Muscles

Kinesio tape helps re-train muscles with a loss of function or that habitually work in an unhealthy way. For example, therapeutic taping can correct head and neck posture, and it has helped stroke patients improve how they walk. 

Performance Enhancement

Athletes use therapeutic taping to achieve peak performance and provide protection against injury or re-injury when competing. For example, runners use the tape when they run marathons. 

Scar Management

Kinesio tape is not for use around an open wound. Still, taping can improve the long-term appearance of some scars resulting from surgery or injury.

How to Safely Remove Kinesio Tape

After a few days, the tape may start to loosen on its own. Here are some tips to remove the tape without hurting your skin.

  • Apply oil or lotion over the tape
  • Remove slowly
  • Don’t pull the tape up
  • Nudge up one end first
  • Then, press on your skin to create a separation from the tape
  • Pull on the tape, moving it back against itself, not straight up
  • Compress your skin gently 
  • Pull the tape toward the end tab
  • Walk your fingers along your skin 
  • If the tape irritates or damages your skin, don’t reapply the tape right away
  • Show your physiotherapist any irritation

The tape should not harm your skin. The adhesive is latex-free and hypoallergenic. Therapeutic taping shouldn’t cause allergic reactions unless you have specific sensitivities. If you tend to be sensitive, we can apply a test strip first.

Kinesio Taping FAQs

What is therapeutic taping?

Therapeutic taping uses an adhesive tape applied around an injured, painful, or vulnerable joint or group of muscles, creating extra support for the area. The tape keeps the joint in place as you move and makes it possible to continue exercise routines. Therapeutic taping is an aid to the healing process used by physiotherapists, but it is not a cure for any condition. Therapeutic taping is combined with other treatment modalities for optimal results. Athletes often use taping to protect existing injuries and areas of past injury at risk for re-injury.

Does therapeutic tape work?

Studies show therapeutic tape for injured areas helps reduce pain, but more study is required to confirm how significant the pain reduction is. Anecdotal reports from patients and physiotherapists suggest therapeutic tape provides support, increases circulation, reduces pain, and improves how joints and muscles work. Taping is most useful when combined with other treatments.

Kinesio taping, how does it work?

Correctly applied Kinesio tape uses the tape’s elasticity to gently lift the skin from the tissues below. This gentle skin lift opens space for improved blood and lymphatic flow to cleanse and heal inflammation without medications or surgery. This additional flow helps alleviate pressure and reduces swelling. The tape allows connective tissue near affected muscles or tendons to move with the body. 

What is the Kinesio Taping Method?

The Kinesio Taping Method is a therapeutic taping technique. This specialized technique microscopically lifts the skin, alleviating pain and facilitating lymphatic drainage. Lifting these tissues from the skin increases interstitial space and decreases inflammation.

How much does it cost to get Kinesio tape?

Since Kinesio tape is used in conjunction with other physiotherapy modalities, there is usually no additional charge beyond your regular physiotherapy visit. Sometimes, your treatment may rely heavily on the use of kinesio tape, so there could be a small additional fee to cover the cost of the tape, but this is rare.

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